Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Does Ethics Mean Essay - 824 Words

Ethically Speaking Years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart was researching ethics; he asked a test group of business people, â€Å"What does ethics mean to you?† The group had several different answers: â€Å"Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs.† â€Å"Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong.† â€Å"Being ethical is doing what the law requires.† â€Å"Ethics consist of the standards of behavior our society accepts.† â€Å"I don’t know what the word means.† The answers of the test group may be representative of how most Americans would respond to this question on ethics. The truth is, most people in general don’t understand ethics, or their view is limited at best. Ethics is a term that most people find boring and many misunderstand. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that arranges, defends, and recommends concepts of acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Deriving from the Ancient Greek word â€Å"ethos†, translated means habit or custom. â€Å"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.† - Aristotle Ethics asks two basic questions: 1. â€Å"What is the best way for people to live?† 2. â€Å"What actions are right and what actions are wrong for every possible circumstance?† Ethics involves human morality as it defines concepts of pairs such as good and evil, right and wrong, justice and crime, and virtue and vice. There are three major areas within ethics: Meta, Normative, and Applied. 1. Meta: Theoretical meaning andShow MoreRelatedWhat Does Ethics Mean?987 Words   |  4 PagesWhat does Ethics mean? While there are many different meanings for ethics, one main meaning is, realistic assessments about the world that inform upon the grounding of normativity. 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